Cellophane Riot

Cheeky Fest
2 min readDec 28, 2021


Morgantown, West Virginia natives Cellophane Riot makes DystoPop. We initially connected on Twitter when they replied to my offer of free promo.

Cellophane Riot consists of Evelyn Swan [who sent me this info] and Cheat Code (AKA Mozart with an L / Nauticus). I gave “Cheat Code” his nickname when I remarked that he is like a human cheat code in that he seems ostensibly talented in everything he does; I became “Evelyn Swan” when Cheat Code (CC) vehemently rejected my request to adapt the pseudonym “Nancy Duck”.

CC is somewhat of a mega fan concerning the ultimate, classical period rock star Mozart. I have always found Mozart’s music to be appealing but my enjoyment of his pieces are tempered with an air of foreignness towards his boisterous tones and audacious surrealism. Beethoven is the obvious choice for a brooding writer: the profound tragedy of his loss which was so agonisingly specific towards his ability to experience his own genius is astoundingly compelling .

I digress, “Mozart w/AnL” was not only an odd and confusing name, but I believe it somehow references marijuana. So when CC asked me to compose some lyrics for a song he wrote, I suggested a renaming and he suggested we think of a band name (as wittingly or not I had just agreed to recruitment).

How would you describe DystoPop? Is it as in dystopian? What styles or genres do you think it borrows elements from?

“DystoPop” is absolutely the amalgamation of the words “dystopian” and “popular music”, and I’m personally flattered that you noticed. We began referring to our style of music as “dystopian pop” due to the sanctioned, cathartic act of quietly rebelling through vague assertions couched in moody songs.

Perhaps CC is less politically motivated than I am, but it must be stated that both of our persons suffered financial and personal losses due to the (seemingly) baffling ineptitude of the American political and economic system. Most (though not all) of our songs discuss or examine humanity as it relates to sociopolitical constructs. Constructs have always been fascinating for me: such redundant things to slowly, gently sacrifice your life for.

As far as influences towards our art is concerned, CC and I have a variety of tastes and inspirations which seem to somehow become copasetic when working together. His influences include Crystal Castles (obviously), New Order, Beck, and Depeche Mode (to highlight a few); and I enjoy the classical genre, Bob Dylan, The Doors, and (most recently) Grimes.”

Their music is available on all streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Etc.). Check out their Facebook & Instagram pages and follow them on Twitter @CellophaneRiot

